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Supplement Your Life

Bee Pearl Powder

Bee Pearl Powder

Regular price $43.72 USD
Regular price Sale price $43.72 USD
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Experience the natural power of bee products with Bee Pearl Powder. This smoothie additive is packed with concentrated bee bread, propolis, and royal jelly to provide you with a daily dose of essential nutrients. Boost your energy and support your overall well-being with this easy-to-use powder.

Simply add one sachet to your favorite yogurt, smoothie, or cereal and enjoy the benefits of bee bread, royal jelly, and propolis. Made with freeze-dried extract of bee bread, lyophilized royal jelly, and propolis extract powder, each sachet contains the optimal daily intake of vitamins, microelements, unsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols, and antioxidants.

Discover the natural goodness of Bee Pearl Powder today and unleash the power of the bees!

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